MIST Applications

Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering (EECE)

"Robotics and The Call for A Technological Leap"

"Robotics and The Call for A Technological Leap"

On 05th August 2016, in collaboration with অক্সিজেন’ -a Noakhali based youth welfare organizations; MIST ROBOTICS CLUB conducted a day long workshop on Robotics in Lakhsmipur to promote Robotics activities outside Dhaka. More than 100 students from different schools and colleges from Noakhali were present in the workshop.


This workshop went underway with a vision to introduce students in robotics which is an emerging technological excellence in our country for the last 2-3 years. The participants were enthralled with various project displays including line follower robot, quad-rotor copter and internet based robot controller. The hard work paid off when students showed ideas like rescue robot and robots for people with physical disabilities during the idea contest held by MIST Robotics Club.


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